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"When the amount of medicine in your body could develop resistance to Fluconazole. Diflucan is an azole antifungal medication, used to treat infections caused by the fungus Candida. Diflucan is an azole antifungal medication, used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the mouth, throat, esophagus, urinary tract, meningitis."

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"Fluconazole appears to be a safe and effective treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Most cases you will just get a few mild reactions that will go away on their own. Fluconazole is absorbed quickly after oral administration and is widely distributed."

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Author: Samuel  |  Category:
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Fluconazole is used to treat vaginal yeast infections treating a yeast infection should be as convenient and easy as possible. It is important to take the Diflucan medication at evenly spaced intervals. If you have a vaginal infection, do not have sex until you have finished your treatment. Diflucan is basically an antibiotic that is far better than many other common antibiotics.

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Author: Samuel  |  Category:

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"You will be supposed to take Fluconazole. Diflucan comes with a patient information leaflet. Strong allergic reactions to Diflucan, although rare, have been reported. Diflucan should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and sunlight."