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Author: Mason  |  Category:
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There is a serious question about the safety and efficacy of initiating treatment with Lexapro to begin with. Lexapro does cause problems when you are operating a vehicle or driving heavy machinery. If Lexapro side effects occur. Lexapro is actually an updated version of an older anti-depressant called Celexa.

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Author: Mason  |  Category:
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To use Lexapro for extended periods should periodically re-evaluate the long-term usefulness of the drug for the individual patient. Lexapro tablets are film-coated, round tablets containing Escitalopram oxalate in strengths equivalent to 5 mg. You remember to take Escitalopram, take it around the same time every day, in the morning or in the evening.

Need reboxetin escitalopram kombination?

Author: Mason  |  Category:

There is a serious question about the safety and efficacy of initiating treatment with Lexapro to begin with. Lexapro does cause problems when you are operating a vehicle or driving heavy machinery. If Lexapro side effects occur. Lexapro is actually an updated version of an older anti-depressant called Celexa.

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Author: Mason  |  Category:

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"Lexapro is taken orally, as often as indicated in the prescription of your doctor. Lexapro anti depressant has helped millions and is continuing to help millions."