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Author: Max  |  Category:
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"Each prescription for Accutane must bear a yellow qualification sticker signifying that you meet these requirements. If you have diabetes or high cholesterol levels, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage upward or downward. Accutane need not be paired with other medications."

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Author: Max  |  Category:
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Author: Max  |  Category:

"Accutane works to achieve partial or complete clearance of acne in about everyone who completes a cycle, regardless of whether they have inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne. Astringents, rubbing alcohol, and tanning do not help clear acne nor keep acne-prone skin free from blemishes."

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Author: Max  |  Category:

"Although acne may get worse within the first month on a cycle of Accutane, the ultimate results are usually dramatic. Acne and you feel that it is getting worse instead of better, the best thing that you can do is let a professional dermatologist have a look at your condition and prescribe an appropriate treatment for you."