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Author: Masato  |  Category:

"It can contribute to the dizziness sometimes caused by this drug. Spironolactone belongs to the class of diuretics, the medications used to treat fluid retention that occurs with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and nephritic syndrome. Aldactone is also used in combination with other medicines for treatment of precocious puberty or myasthenia gravis."

Topamax contraindications

Author: Masato  |  Category:

"Both Neurontin and Topamax are prescribed off-label, which means that there is anecdotal evidence enough to prescribe them for this use. Topiramate is an anticonvulsant used with other medicines to control certain types of seizures in the treatment of migraines and sometimes as an antidepressant."


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Author: Masato  |  Category:
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