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Amlodipine controls high blood pressure, you must take Norvasc regularly for it to be effective. Amlodipine controls high blood pressure or angina. Norvasc is prescribed for angina, a condition characterized by episodes of crushing chest pain that usually results from a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle due to clogged arteries.

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Author: Chuck  |  Category:

"Studies have shown Paxil is an excellent treatment for people in this age group - where chronic depression can affect a large proportion of this population. The first and only medication in the class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Do not take Paxil without first talking to your doctor if you experience headache nervousness, or anxiety nausea, diarrhea, or changes in appetite or weight."

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Author: Chuck  |  Category:

"Prednisone and Prednisolone are members of the glucocorticoid class of hormones. Prednisone is used as replacement therapy in patients whose adrenal glands are unable to produce sufficient amounts of cortical. Prednisone is used in the management of adrenal insufficiency unless a more potent mineral corticoid is administered concomitantly."

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